Sunday, September 24, 2017

Top Tourist Spots in Delhi, India
By Prakash Mani

Our cities in India are filled with treasures of sightseeing. One of our favorite cities to explore is the Capital of our country - Delhi. It is the amalgamation of everything you want out of a city - from malls to historical sites - Delhi never fails to amaze us. So we tracked down our favorite spots in the city and guess how we managed to do everything without breaking a sweat?

So here's our top spots in the city of Delhi, we couldn't get enough of.

Connaught Place

Even non-Delhiites aren't strangers to this name. Here is a flashback - it was and is a major business district in the city. And here's a fact - it was formerly a location of the headquarters of the British Raj. It is one of the most planned areas in the city. We found streets that connect to one another filed with shops, restaurants and what nots. Here, the city's heart beats - rigorously with the people that tread upon it. We found typical Georgian architecture in many of the buildings, sky scrapers that stand overlooking the bustle, an open commercial Centre and so much more. While you are there, you absolutely must not miss out on Agrasen Ki Boli - a historical and archeological site of a step well at Hailey Road near Connaught Place - a spot where we indulged in photography. It was originally built even long before 14th Century (when it was rebuilt).

Lodhi Gardens

Save this one for the early mornings. With the hint of the mist and the touch of the breeze, the garden's historical monuments, lawns and flora have a life of their own. For your cup of peace and quiet, Lodhi Garden is your hot spot.

Chandni Chowk

We figured that since we have heard so much about this little Chowk, we absolutely must visit it. And we weren't wrong (we rarely ever are). This iconic destination in the city is a symbol if its persisting rhythm. It was designed by Shah Jehan's daughter Princess Jahanara Begum in the 17th. How glorious it would have been if it had retained the canals that ran through it at one point. Nonetheless, shopping in Chandni Chowk is an experience in itself. It remains as one of the largest wholesale markets in the country. While it may not be paradise for the claustrophobic, it showcases the essence of Delhi's culture. Strewn together with historical spots at every corner at the Chowk, we came across Havelis, hints of Mughal architecture, mandirs and masjids. We went crazy eating authentic street food here, since it was lined with numerous eateries.

Qutb Minar

This is where our history books materialized into reality. As much as we thought we knew what Qutb Minar looked like, we were still in awe at the marvel of the architecture. It stands tall and strong despite standing through time and weather. This beautiful red sand stone tower is located in South Delhi, so it was super convenient for us that we had hired a cab for a drive around. The Qutb Minar ages back to the 13th Century, making it all the more impressive for its structure. For all the architectural enthusiasts, this makes for a marvelous pit stop.

The National Museum

One of the largest museums in India, The National Museum is located in New Delhi. It is the home to articles that range from the pre-historic era to works of modern art. It was established back in 1949 and tells stories from the past through the items on display. As art enthusiasts we found great interest here, because the fine arts play a major role here.

National Zoological Park

Spanning around 176 acres, the National Zoological Park is home to more than 130 species of animals. The zoo is located near the Old Fort in Delhi, so we made a quick visit to the Fort as well. It is also part of the Conservation Breeding Programs for the royal Bengal Tiger, Indian Rhinos, Swamp deer, Asiatic Lions and many more. Catch a glimpse of the "wild" side of Delhi at the zoo!

Lotus Temple

While Delhi has numerous temples, churches and mosques, a place of worship that won our hearts was the Lotus temple. An architectural marvel in itself, the Lotus Temple Baha'I house of worship. Unbinding faith and spirituality from distinctions and separations, the temple welcomes all and devotes worship to no particular entity. Hence, sermons and rituals are non existent at the temple. Once we entered the temple, we were overwhelmed by the large space and all that it was composed of. Peace settled in and enveloped us. Certainly a must-go spot in Delhi.

Delhi offered us so much more and we explored each space one by one smoothly and patiently, with the aid of the hired cab accompanying us. But the above were our favorites because of their versatility. Let us know of your adventures in Delhi.

Prakash is exploring the new spots in all over India which are now famous among the tourist with outstation cabs by BookMySawari.

Article Source:,-India&id=9551713


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