Friday, September 29, 2017

Luxury Escapes to Australia Are So Much Fun!
By Denny Payne

Traveling around the world is so much fun. It is not at all hard, it is actually something that everyone should do once in their lives. Travel will make you an incredibly better-rounded human being. Also traveling helps you to meet people from exotic cultures who will teach you to look at the world from a different perspective.

Australia is one of the most popular travel destinations in the world. If you want to see the most spectacular scenery, magnificent wildlife, and experience the most diverse of countries, then traveling to Australia is a must. It is considered to be the major camping and diving destination. Whether you spend some years or a couple of months traveling to this beautiful land makes it the perfect choice and make's your dream come true. Australia, also known as 'The Lucky Country' has so much to offer from the suburbs of Melbourne and Perth to the unexplored outback, where you can walk down through the cattle stations. So be a part and explore Australia's aquatic and coastal experiences, nature, and wildlife and taste the delicious food available.

The country also is full of incredible beauty having rainforests, bright blue beaches, and the famous Great Barrier Reef. The Sydney's Harbor Bridge and Opera House are amongst the iconic man-made wonders that make you feel like you are in Europe.

Things to do and see in Australia!

There's a lot that you can do in Australia. But the time limitations make it difficult for us to go and explore everything. So here's a list of some of the handpicked luxury escapes in Australia.

Trip to Uluru

It is considered to be one of the hottest attractions of the country. It feels spectacular to see the sunrise and sunset here. Also, visit the Aboriginal center that is just nearby where you can learn about the local population. It is pretty much a breathtaking experience.

Visit the Great Barrier Reef

A large amount of marine life and beautiful coral to explore, making it a must to do activity. The iconic Barrier Reef is blessed with breathtaking beauty of the world's largest coral reef. Experience scuba diving, helicopter tours, bare boats, cruise ship tours, swimming with dolphins and more. This has become one of the most sought out tourist destinations in the world because of its natural beauty.

Explore the Fraser Islands

This is the world's largest sand island that makes it popular to do some camping, swim, and hike. It is also popular among the locals because of its easy accessibility from the mainland. It is also famous for its fresh water lake that has a lot of sharks present in it.

Explore Sydney

There's a lot you can do in this bustling city! Climb up and sail across the Sydney Harbor Bridge, visit the Opera House and surf in the Bondi Beach. Head up to the laid backed suburb of Manly. Another thing that can add in is to spend the day in Domain with some mouth-watering food, a glass of wine, and a good book in hand!

Surf on the Gold Coast

This is the best place to learn surfing.

Chill out in Melbourne

This city is much more relaxed. More cafes and restaurants with fewer clubs and less crowd. This is the perfect place to relax by the riverside with amazing food and live rock concerts. A perfect nightlife spot.

So why not get ready and go for this thrilling trip, to add more memories to your life? So take your time and choose between hundreds of properties from luxury escapes, romantic gateways, city hotels, and other affordable accommodations.

The article makes us familiar with some of the best Luxury escapes in Australia. It is one of the most admired tourist destinations. Go for the perfect thrilling adventure and add the best experience to your life.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Experiencing Holi in India
By David Nivala

The Holi Festival or the Festival of Colours has a tradition of over 1,000 years in India (and Nepal). Holi is a happy and cheerful time because the cold of winter is no more and the warming tones of spring are in the air. Nature is responding with new growth and colour. People embrace the warmth and throw coloured powders at each other as if they are throwing their worries to the wind. There is (organic) colour everywhere - red, green, yellow, blue, black and silver.

People sing and dance their way through Holi, throwing the colours that also represent the flowers and growth of spring.

A more traditional explanation in India is that the Holi festival celebrates the love of Radha and Krishna. The spraying of coloured powders recalls the love sport of Lord Krishna and His devotees.

In 2017, the Holi festival is on most places on the 13th of March. It is usually a two-day celebration. The first day is known as "Holika Dahan" or "Chhoti Holi" and the second as "Rangwali Holi," "Dhuleti," "Dhulandi" or "Dhulivandan."

As with some other Indian traditions, the Holi festival has a cultural dimension. It is the festive day to end and rid oneself of past errors, to end conflicts by meeting others, a day to forget and forgive. People pay or forgive debts, as well as deal anew with those in their lives. It is like the start of the new year. Holi is a time to start anew.

So, what happens in the tradition? Holi celebrations begin the morning after the "Holika" bonfire. The "Holika" bonfire represents the victory of good over evil. For many people, there is no tradition of holding puja (prayer), and the day is for partying and pure enjoyment. Children and young people form groups armed with dry colours, coloured solution in water guns and water balloons filled with coloured water, and other creative means to colour their targets. In some places, there is respect for visitors, but do not be alarmed if join in the festival, but be warned, even though the colours wash out, it is best to wear older clothes. You will leave India with amazing memories and colourful photographs.

So why not join the Indians in celebrating this amazing event. There a several places to join in, but in North India, one for the best is in the state of Rajasthan where the celebrations are passionate, happy and inclusive.

David from Davids Tours listens to peoples travel dreams and makes them happen. The special tailor-made tours for small groups with special interest are a great addition to travelers. For more information contact David through Check out our Holi Tours.

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Sunday, September 24, 2017

Turkey, The Ideal Holiday Destination
By Nick S Curtis

Turkey is a country of rich culture, exotic destinations and amazing night life. It is the ideal place to be this holiday season. The weather is moderate and the people are welcoming and the scenery is heartwarming. So this time around, give yourself a treat and buy Airline tickets for the holidays, go to Turkey and discover what life is like when lived out of the comfort one. So if you're finally convinced that you're going to go to Turkey these holidays, here are a few destinations that will make your trip to Turkey worthwhile.

1. Aspendos Theatre:

Think of this theatre as the coliseum of Turkey. This well preserved theater is said to be created in 155AD and had the ability to house 15000-20000 people. Going here, you really get to take a step into history as this is one place which has maintained its original glamour and hasn't deteriorated with time.

2. Pamukkale:

Or Cotton Castle is an array of terraces and hot springs that have been naturally set in the city's landscape. The pools here have been a bathing place for people for the past many centuries and even today, many people go there to relax. Along with that, the ancient city of Hierapolis, which was built by the Grecian kings, is also here for you to explore.

3. Blue Mosque:

The Blue Mosque is considered to be one of the most beautiful architectural phenomena of the world. This grand mosque with its 5 primary domes and 8 secondary domes, along with 6 minarets is magnificent. Even though the exterior of this mosque is more than impressive, it is the inside that actually steals your breath with its blue lined ceilings and red lush carpeting.

4. Library of Celsus:

Located between the ruins of the city of Ephesus, this library acted as a store for more than 10000 scrolls around 125 AD. This is a world heritage site and is a prime spot for tourists nowadays. If you're a fan of archeology this is the place for you to be. This place has been preserved and reconstructed over the years for everyone to see.

5. Hagia Sophia:

The history behind this place is so thick and rich that you'll end up being confused and fascinated at the same time. Starting off as a Christian Bascilla (church), this place was converted to an imperial mosque later on and works as a museum for tourists today. The walls are lined with paintings of Mary where as the ceiling is filled with Islamic scriptures. This place is the perfect blend of both religions and gives a great insight into different types of historical architectures.

So now that you know what the best places to see in Turkey are, I suggest you start packing those bags and give yourself a well-deserved treat to the exotic sights of Turkey. Oh and don't forget to Buy Airline tickets for the holidays as soon as possible. You'll save a lot of money that way!

History, culture and heritage - if you're looking for any of these combined with exotic locations then Turkey is the place for you to be these holidays. So what are you waiting for Buy Airline Tickets for the holidays and fly to Turkey!

Article Source:,-The-Ideal-Holiday-Destination&id=9593031

Top Tourist Spots in Delhi, India
By Prakash Mani

Our cities in India are filled with treasures of sightseeing. One of our favorite cities to explore is the Capital of our country - Delhi. It is the amalgamation of everything you want out of a city - from malls to historical sites - Delhi never fails to amaze us. So we tracked down our favorite spots in the city and guess how we managed to do everything without breaking a sweat?

So here's our top spots in the city of Delhi, we couldn't get enough of.

Connaught Place

Even non-Delhiites aren't strangers to this name. Here is a flashback - it was and is a major business district in the city. And here's a fact - it was formerly a location of the headquarters of the British Raj. It is one of the most planned areas in the city. We found streets that connect to one another filed with shops, restaurants and what nots. Here, the city's heart beats - rigorously with the people that tread upon it. We found typical Georgian architecture in many of the buildings, sky scrapers that stand overlooking the bustle, an open commercial Centre and so much more. While you are there, you absolutely must not miss out on Agrasen Ki Boli - a historical and archeological site of a step well at Hailey Road near Connaught Place - a spot where we indulged in photography. It was originally built even long before 14th Century (when it was rebuilt).

Lodhi Gardens

Save this one for the early mornings. With the hint of the mist and the touch of the breeze, the garden's historical monuments, lawns and flora have a life of their own. For your cup of peace and quiet, Lodhi Garden is your hot spot.

Chandni Chowk

We figured that since we have heard so much about this little Chowk, we absolutely must visit it. And we weren't wrong (we rarely ever are). This iconic destination in the city is a symbol if its persisting rhythm. It was designed by Shah Jehan's daughter Princess Jahanara Begum in the 17th. How glorious it would have been if it had retained the canals that ran through it at one point. Nonetheless, shopping in Chandni Chowk is an experience in itself. It remains as one of the largest wholesale markets in the country. While it may not be paradise for the claustrophobic, it showcases the essence of Delhi's culture. Strewn together with historical spots at every corner at the Chowk, we came across Havelis, hints of Mughal architecture, mandirs and masjids. We went crazy eating authentic street food here, since it was lined with numerous eateries.

Qutb Minar

This is where our history books materialized into reality. As much as we thought we knew what Qutb Minar looked like, we were still in awe at the marvel of the architecture. It stands tall and strong despite standing through time and weather. This beautiful red sand stone tower is located in South Delhi, so it was super convenient for us that we had hired a cab for a drive around. The Qutb Minar ages back to the 13th Century, making it all the more impressive for its structure. For all the architectural enthusiasts, this makes for a marvelous pit stop.

The National Museum

One of the largest museums in India, The National Museum is located in New Delhi. It is the home to articles that range from the pre-historic era to works of modern art. It was established back in 1949 and tells stories from the past through the items on display. As art enthusiasts we found great interest here, because the fine arts play a major role here.

National Zoological Park

Spanning around 176 acres, the National Zoological Park is home to more than 130 species of animals. The zoo is located near the Old Fort in Delhi, so we made a quick visit to the Fort as well. It is also part of the Conservation Breeding Programs for the royal Bengal Tiger, Indian Rhinos, Swamp deer, Asiatic Lions and many more. Catch a glimpse of the "wild" side of Delhi at the zoo!

Lotus Temple

While Delhi has numerous temples, churches and mosques, a place of worship that won our hearts was the Lotus temple. An architectural marvel in itself, the Lotus Temple Baha'I house of worship. Unbinding faith and spirituality from distinctions and separations, the temple welcomes all and devotes worship to no particular entity. Hence, sermons and rituals are non existent at the temple. Once we entered the temple, we were overwhelmed by the large space and all that it was composed of. Peace settled in and enveloped us. Certainly a must-go spot in Delhi.

Delhi offered us so much more and we explored each space one by one smoothly and patiently, with the aid of the hired cab accompanying us. But the above were our favorites because of their versatility. Let us know of your adventures in Delhi.

Prakash is exploring the new spots in all over India which are now famous among the tourist with outstation cabs by BookMySawari.

Article Source:,-India&id=9551713

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Paris Tour - Some Useful Tips
By Satvik Mittal

Paris is culturally rich, beautiful and amazing. If you want to visit Paris, you have to do your homework before you pack your bag and leave for Paris. The tips below will help you get ready for the tour.

1. Parisians Are Not Rude

While you may come across some rude Parisians during your stay in the city, but this doesn't mean Parisians are rude. Most people think that they won't be treated well in France, but the reality is different. Not all French have hatred for outsiders. The fact of the matter is that the younger generation of Paris love to talk to Americans.

2. Learn a little bit of French

You don't have to take French classes prior to leaving for France, but learning a couple of commonly used phrases won't cost you an arm and a leg. Usually, the French admire people who know a little bit of French. Besides, learning a few common French phrases will make it easier for you to communicate with the locals.

3. The Metro

The big map with various lines may sound weird to you, but the Metro is very easier to master. Since it is well connected, you will find that some places are not located near a metro stop. But after a couple of trips, you can find out how to reach any place in the city without any problem.

4. Outfits

What should you wear in Paris? Well, you may want to be comfortable when walking around the city and you can do so wearing casual outfits. Paris is known as the fashion capital and the people in Paris are fond of wearing fashionable outfits. So, you can buy some casual outfits that are commonly worn in Paris. Don't worry. They won't be too expensive.

5. The Neighborhoods

Paris consists of 20 neighborhoods, and the city is divided by the popular river known as the Seine River. The neighborhoods are located in a circular pattern. Often, you will hear people mention a certain restaurant or store located in the 12th. Some of the neighborhoods are known as Montmartre, Latin Quarter and Marais.

It is recommended that you get a Paris map as it will make it easier for you to get around and understand where things are located.

6. Not Everything is Expensive in Paris

Just like other cities, Paris also has its share of expensive stuff. However, this doesn't mean that you will go bankrupt doing shopping over there. You can use a few tips to save money if you are traveling on a budget. For instance, you can eat at cheap restaurants in Paris. Moreover, walking around this beautiful city and watching people won't cost you a dime.

So, these are 6 tips that you may want to consider when planning your tour of Paris. Hopefully, these tips will make it easier for you to enjoy your tour while saving a good deal of money. Keep in mind that Paris is full of mesmerizing sites but you don't want to be overcharged due to your unawareness.

Paris is full of beautiful tourist attractions. If you want to travel to Paris and are looking for Paris private tour options, you can check out Privatetour for some help.

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How to Make Your Holidays More Exciting With Luxury Egypt Tours
By Jenny Morag

In the season of holidays, Egypt becomes the blend of modernity and timeless beauty of nature and civilization that makes it one of the most alluring places in the world in terms of tourism. Roughly, the tourist's portions of Egypt are categorized into an oasis, the Nile Valley, deserts and Sinai region and the Red Sea. Moving between these portions is very easy, and it is really easy to book a holiday that combines diverse experiences on a trip.

It is no more a secret that Sinai and the Red Sea are among the most famous and rapidly growing sites in the world. Luxury Egypt Tours offer a classic experience of traveling with sand dews, sunny sun and a huge range of activities like desert trips, golfing, climbing and visiting natural parks. To enjoy the exotic fun of traveling, one should couple the friendly atmosphere with various activities that will become more joyous with family.


Luxury Egypt tours will take you to Egypt within few hours by plane, the smooth ride will give you guaranteed comfort with mild sunshine and cool breeze. The area of stunning scenery is perfect to explore, enjoy and relax with water and underwater activities. The Sinai Peninsula covers an estimated area of about 61,000 km. The borders are the Gulf of Suez to the West that splits Africa from Asia and the Gulf of Aqaba to the East. In the Northwest direction, approximately 200 km. the area is occupied by the Mediterranean Coast. Isolated and preserved by majestic mountains, the Santa Catalina Monastery is one of the major attractions in this portion.

The Egyptian Red Sea Coast starts from the Gulf of Suez to the Sudanese border which lies in the north direction. It lies opposite to Sinai which is located on the east coast of mainland Egypt. The dry limestone valleys and cliffs of the eastern desert remain hidden but the Red Sea and coral reefs develop a rich history to the time of Pharaohs.

Destination "A La Carte"

The most tempting thing about this area is that it provides unlimited excitement when it comes to enjoying holidays in the best possible manner. Highlighting destinations of "A La Carte" are El Gouna, Hurghada where you can enjoy sports and peaceful dive at Marsa Alam. Don't miss to relax in the complex of Porto Ghalib, rest in Nuweiba and sunbath in Taba. Also, visit Sharm-El-Shiekh and Dahab to enjoy the nightlife of Egypt.

A blend of luxury

Egypt tours usually combine attractive destination visit to take the fun to another level, combine the beach holiday with an exotic trip to the Valley of Kings and Pyramids. Enjoy short trips by plane, so that you won't miss any moment of luxury in Cairo. Immerse yourself in the pool and soak up in the treasure of Egypt.

With this guide, now you are aware of the enormous alternatives of Egypt, from top rated golf course to the enthralling beach activities. Enjoy them!

Know more:

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Thursday, September 21, 2017

Exploring Hawaii Islands
By Devisree Anoop

Hawaii islands are an escapade for those who want to have a hide out from the fast living mechanical world. These islands paves you the way to live close to nature away from the worries of your daily life. The islands are a dream destination of many. It is an archipelago of eight islands and different islets located in the Pacific Ocean. The splendid islands of Hawaii consist of eight islands such as Nihau, Molokai, Kaui, Maui, Lanai, Oahu, Kahoolawe and the Big Island. You can enjoy beauty and adventure in these islands. The islands originated from the underwater volcanic eruptions that happened thousands of years ago. This destination still holds the mesmerizing beauty of the red hot lava.

The travelers can do a number of things in the Hawaii Islands. Nature lovers can explore the evergreen forests at Hawaii. This is a hot spot for scuba divers. Other outdoor games such as beach volley, hiking and horse riding can be done here. Beach activities of Hawaii Island include underwater trips, scuba diving and submarine drives. The unlimited island destinations make Hawaii a sought after tourist spot in United States. An underwater expedition in these islands takes you to the unveiled beauty of the underwater terrain. The variety of flora and fauna, coral reefs and shipwrecks belongings gives you a new experience. Hawaii is blessed with a number of volcanoes and hot springs.

The tourists can have a romantic escape to the different islands of Hawaii. The long sandy beaches kissed by the splendid waves make it an ideal destination for honeymooning couples and lovers. The Big Island is a beautiful island that is double the size of all other Hawaiian islands combined. This island is bestowed with a live volcano. The Big Island is famous for exceptional coffee and orchids. The taste bud stimulating Hawaiian cuisine is another appealing thing about this archipelago. The travelers can have a close look on to the history of Hawaii by visiting the Historic Museum in Pearl Harbor. Water falls, long stretches of serene sandy beaches, lush green evergreen forests, botanical gardens, coffee plantations, charismatic volcanoes, coral reefs, underwater surprises, etc. makes Hawaii Islands a most sought after tourist hot spot in world tourism map.

The archipelago is a perfect destination for all your tripping reasons. Great hiking experience, wonderful views, exquisite cuisines and much more awaits travelers in this part of the globe. Hawaii is a must see for everyone passionate about exploring the scenic beauty of the USA.

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Vacations in Bali
By Sanjay Soni

Everyone would love a good vacation after working so hard for the year. There are many choices of an ideal vacation for different people but tropical paradises seem to score high on most people's favorite holiday list; and no better place is there than idyllic Bali, Indonesia.

Tropical Paradise
Bali is a world renowned Indonesian island that offers great beaches, breath-taking landscapes and warm hospitality by its locals. It is home to more than 3,000,000 residents with great sunshine all year round.

There is a serene aura around the island as it is very steep in religion and tradition; hence, visitors do well to dress modestly and adapt to the local style in dressing and behavior.

Hot Spots
Although it is an island, Bali has many wonderful tourist locations that can amaze your senses. You can visit Kuta, Seminyak or Sanur for some fun and enlightenment. Clean and beautiful sandy beaches greet you everywhere in Bali with coral reefs and varied marine life to add color to your holiday. At night, the cool sea breeze makes this idyllic island most suitable for true romance to happen.

There are many types of accommodation in Bali; prices can range from budget to luxury depending on your pocket size. Villas and 5-star hotels sprout abundantly for your luxurious comfort although budget hotels are available with less privacy and room service. Bali villas are ideal for the family where you can get comfort, privacy and opportunity to cook your own meals, which is a great cost savings while on vacation, especially in Bali.

It is amazing how this tropical paradise truly lives up to its name in more ways than sun and fun; there is no crime rate on this island. It is all about touching base with nature all around you with the volcanoes and swaying palms.

Bali is renowned as the Best Island in the World with its charm and natural beauty. There are many exotic pagodas for one to explore with the serene chants filling the morning air while sandy beaches and lush fields make a tempting attraction into their midst. Bali is a land that exudes various cultures such as Buddhist, Japanese and Balinese.

For the diving enthusiasts, there are a few popular diving spots found in Amed, Tulamben and Nusa Dua where you can enjoy good scuba diving. Surfing is another favorite pastime with paragliding, golf, cycling and sea cruises. These are lovely ways to spend your days at exotic Bali besides getting a certain tan.

Since it is a tropical paradise, the jungles are dense and rich in fauna and flora, making them a definite treat for nature lovers. Bird watchers will have a field day taking in the sights of the many species of birds; if not, the Bird Park will certainly not disappoint. One way to enjoy the jungles of Bali is on an elephant. The great beast of burden is just right for an awesome ride into the jungles and get closer to nature and sky.

Bali is renowned for the many exotic spas it provides as well as the refreshing massages. Every visitor is recommended to try a traditional Balinese massage to feel its refreshing effect. It is extremely different and therapeutic.

The Bali hospitality is to be commended as it is clearly evident in the locals. This is what makes Bali distinct from other holiday resorts.

My team can write any article on any topic at a very reasonable rate. You can contact me for any article requirement at

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Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Must-See Cities in Spain
By Hans Hendrik De Koningh

This provincial capital is located in the South of Spain. It brags being the seat of government for this region of Spain. There are great parks and several wonderful museums to visit. Seville has sightseeing tours to show off the historical beauty of the city. Restaurants and motels can be found where the food is reasonable and so are the motels. Some of the museums include a fine art museum called Plaza de Museo, an Archaeological museum called Plaza de America and a great bullfighting museum known as Museo Taurino. With bullfighting being a past time of Spain, there should definitely be a visit to this great museum. Don't forget to visit one or all of the great parks that are located in Seville. The Maria Luisa Park is the largest in the city. It began its life as a Romantic garden.


Alicante has wonderful streets lined with shops and palm trees. It is very well known along the Costa Blanca. This city is famous for its perfect weather and all that it has to offer. Visit the Island of Tabarca. It is located along the beautiful coast of Alicante. There is a sandy beach where you can soak up the sun and relax or you can take one of the many sightseeing trips that are available. Perhaps you would be interested in the museums in the area. There are even some great cathedrals that you will want to see. Alicante is found in Eastern Spain. Beautiful beaches, great restaurants and loads to see and visit equals a city worth visiting.


Valencia is also known as the Bright City. It is the largest city in Spain and is one of the liveliest and fun to visit. It has a great night life to enjoy, museums and parks. The beach life is perfect and is visited by many tourists in the summer months. The Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias, also known as the City of Arts and Sciences is relatively new and shows off the great architecture of the city. You can visit cathedrals, cathedral museums, old but famous bridges with more great architecture and there are even palaces that you can visit. Valencia offers something for every tourist. It doesn't matter what your interests are, you are sure to find something you will love. The Barrio del Carmen is a district that shows how the people of Valencia live from day to day. You will find theaters, bars and restaurants that you just have to visit. There are many great things to keep you entertained in Valencia so remember to make this city part of your itinerary.

If you're looking to Rent A Bus in Spain please check out our website, we offer cost effective and reliable transportation in Alicante, Valencia and Seville.

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5 Fun Itineraries For Last-Minute Winter Texas Vacations
By Morris Raymond

Texas vacations are always interesting. Depending on how you choose to travel, it is always surprising to see just how big the Lone Star State is from border to border. Texas is also known as a state that just cannot deal with winter weather. Considering the oppressing heat that the state experiences with very little exposure to ice and snow, it is no wonder that Texans have a hard time adjusting.

Still, if you're looking for a chance to check out what Texas has to offer, don't be afraid to travel during the winter, especially if it's at the last-minute. There's simply too much to miss out on.

For starters, there are the Hill Country craft beer trails. Over the last couple of decades, the craft beer movement in Texas has steadily grown into a popular way for couples & friends to get together for a quick jaunt out-of-town while enjoying some "hoppy" goodness. There are trails and breweries to follow depending on where you're in the Hill Country. Winter brews also lend themselves to unique flavors that are sure to please everyone.

Though a relatively new player in the state, the Brenham Market Winter Show is establishing itself in the antique and craft world, all while establishing its roots at the Washington County Fairgrounds in Brenham, Texas (home of Blue Bell Ice Cream). New to the show is a Puppy Parade as a way to raise money and awareness for The Urgent Animal Rescue of Hearne.

Be sure to check out the Texas Blue Bonnet Wine Trail. Sure, the bluebonnet isn't quite doing its thing until Spring, but the name of this trail more closely aligns with the relationship Texas has been developing with its own prize-winning vineyards. With close proximity to major cities such as Austin and Houston, and scenic drives from Dallas/Fort Worth and San Antonio, the trail showcases what Texas has to offer in terms of its natural beauty and its steadily growing reputation as a wine powerhouse.

Of course, no mention of winter travel can be complete without mention of Christmas. Everyone should experience the holiday River Parade in San Antonio, Texas. San Antonio is a city rich with the history of the Lone Star State. The River Walk is perhaps the city's most famous landmark second only to The Alamo. At night, citizens and visitors alike crowd into the River Walk area & greeted with not only an amazing light show, but there are also carolers on boats, amazing floats decked out with the holiday's greatest accents, and the city literally bursts forth with holiday cheer from the inside out.

From big city to small town, check out the Brenham Christmas Stroll and Lighted Parade. What better way to get all your Christmas shopping done early while taking in the small town holiday magic? You can also add a little cosmopolitan glitz to your last-minute trip by taking in a little culture. For nearly a decade, the Ovation Ballet Company out of Austin, Texas has presented The Nutcracker in Round Top, Texas. This ballet is quintessential Christmas.

Texas vacations, even if they are last-minute, don't have to lack pizzazz. With the right planning & willingness to be adventurous, a quick winter trip out-of-town makes the whole year ripe with possibilities.

Click here for more information about other last-minute trip ideas today.

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Holidays in Vietnam
By HA Than

When on your Vietnam Tours, the best thing you could ever imagine is that you have a chance to blend in the societies of Vietnamese people. And thus the question has been risen, what is the best way and when is the best time to blend in? Holidays! Yes, Holidays, holidays in Vietnam is of course the easiest way to experience the full length of the cultural spectrum. Just in case you are asking yourself somewhat and when questions, we are here to offer you a list of important holidays in Vietnam so that you can arrange a perfect trip to Vietnam to infiltrate and experience how the Vietnamese celebrate holidays here.

1. New Year

This is kind of obvious, the first that of the year is, of course, the holiday! Just like any other country in the world, the Vietnamese do celebrate New Year too! However, due to the fact that Vietnam is still heavily influenced by Lunar New Year, the universal New Year's Day is kind of underrated a little bit. In Vietnam, everyone does get a day off on January 1, but everything outside has not changed much since Christmas but stay in a somewhat ordinary way. On New Year's Day, you can hang out with friends, go to fancy Vietnamese restaurants, celebrate New Year with friends and family all around the world, watching fancy fireworks on YouTube and have a kiss goodnight to someone you love.

2. Tet (Vietnamese New Year)

This is it, the one that outweighed New Year's Day due to is traditional importance, Tet! Or as known as Vietnamese New Year. This is the largest holiday of the year, is usually celebrated around late January to early February. On Vietnamese New Year's days, the Vietnamese usually go visit their extended families, have a meal together and wish one another best things for a whole new year. Imagine Thanksgiving in the United States, the values offered by Tet is tantamount because this is the perfect time to reunite with people whom you love and care so much about. That's the spirit. Out of the family scenes, in more northern provinces such as Hanoi, you will experience a chilly weather with peach blossom filling the whole city; you will see friends and family hangout on the street in sweaters, hands in hands. As a sharp contract, you will find it a little more flamboyant in more southern provinces such as Saigon, filled with a hotly yellow deriving from apricot blossoms. On the streets you will see young people wearing fancy clothes disseminating all over the places in the city. Tet in Saigon is more of a let's hang out season, if you have a chance to experience you will find it so much fun to be here.

3. Hung Kings Commemorations

Also a famous Vietnamese festival, Hung Kings Commemorations is annually held from the 8th to the 11th days of the third lunar month in honor of the Hung Vuong and Hung Kings, the first emperors of the Vietnamese. which the main festival day falls on the 10th day. To the Vietnamese, they will also get a day of on this 10th day. A procession begins at the foot of the mountain, and stops at every single small temple before culminating in the High Temple. Here pilgrims offer prayers and incense to their ancestors. When on your Vietnam tours, if you have a chance to visit northern provinces of Vietnam, you should definitely take part in this celebration.

4. Day of liberating the South for national reunification and International Workers' Day.

Day of liberating the South for national reunification marks the events when North Vietnamese and Viet Cong subjugated Saigon (now Ho Chi Minh city.) Thus the Communist Party just want everyone to have a day off to remember the day two parts of the country joined again. This holiday in Vietnam takes place on April 30. Only a day after the Day of liberating the South for national reunification, International Workers' Day is also a public holiday that the Vietnamese celebrate. On this day, the working classes also get a day off to stay at home, relax, enjoy Vietnamese food, and regale themselves with anything interesting they could find after months of working assiduously.

5. National Day

Similar to the Fourth of July in the United States of America, Vietnam celebrate their national day on September 2, commemorating the day Vietnam declared independence from France in 1945. On this day, undoubtedly, everyone gets a day off to spend time with friends and family, preparing fancy Vietnamese food for a lovely dinner with everyone.

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Monday, September 18, 2017

Tourism in Nepal
By Adrian Roy

The movement/travel of people from one place to another place either within country or outside for various purposes is tourism. Those people are called tourists. They usually travel for fun, adventure, pleasure, business and other purpose. In Nepal, tourism is the largest industry and also the largest source of foreign exchange. Despite of long history of tourism in Nepal it was developed since 1950 A.D. Attraction is the major cause of tourists in Nepal. People from almost all part of the world visit Nepal yearly for different purpose. Various culture and tradition, diverse wildlife vegetation, varied climate, temples, monuments and lots of trekking destination lure tourists in Nepal.

Recent trend of tourists' arriving in Nepal is satisfactory. Lots of available resources were utilized properly and beneficially to promote tourism sector. But still dynamic and friendly policy as well as joint effort from local as well as government and the participation of private sector is required and play the vital role for increasing the tourist's rate in Nepal. During period of Rana, Nepal was a forbidden land and no tourists were allowed to travel in Nepal. Later after democracy tourists showed interest and slowly tourism was promoted and steady trend in different periods in country. Tourism in Nepal is considered as an important sector playing vital role for development of country. Tourism is the industry that supports and promotes tourists with transportation, accommodations, foods, shops, entertainment and other hospitality services as well as facilities. It is one of the fastest growing economic sectors not only in Nepal but all over the world.

Nepal is popular destination and unique destination for trekking, tours and travels. Due to its unbeatable combination of natural beauties Nepal is preferred by most of tourist. Nepal is good place to spend relaxed time and holiday in between mountains, hills, lakes, ranging rivers enjoying various religions' festivals, culture and tradition. Some famous trekking routes of Nepal are Everest Base Camp trek, Annapurna Base Camp trek, Upper Mustang Trek and Langtang valley trek that helps to explore the Himalayan scenarios. National Parks and Conservation Areas are the major attraction for those who are in love with wildlife and its beauties. Lots of fun related activities like bungee jump, rafting, zip-flying, paragliding, ultra light flight are available which true meaning of fun, thrill and adventure is. Places which carry religious and cultural importance's like Lumbini, Three Durbar Squares in Kathmandu, temples, monuments, palaces, stupas, monasteries, gumbas give the feeling of peace and tranquility.

Nepal is popular for its arts and handicrafts. People take these as popular souvenirs and love it. Paintings, pottery, arts and galleries, handicrafts, clothes are basically known within the tourist. Nepal is popular for its variety of cuisines. Dal Bhat is the main dish of Nepal and is popular within the people of Nepal also momo is being favorite one. Tourists love to have good foods and cuisines during their visit in Nepal. Nepalese people are popular worldwide with their friendly nature and hospitality. They are always ready to welcome their guest with the best they have. Therefore, tourists feel the safest destination to visit in South East Asia. In addition to that Nepal is known for its low cost and cheap travel which saves lots of money. Tourist can easily get visa and travel the best part of country within short period at low cost. Accommodations play vital role in luring the tourists. Nepal is not less in offering quality service to their guests. They take good care of tourists with quality lodging, fooding and transportation. Nepal has it all from five star services to budget one. There are various trekking tours and travel company accompanying tourists during their visit in Nepal.

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Tourism in Cambodia
By Medhat Elsergany

With a surface area of less than 200,000 square kilometers and a population of less than 15 million people, what is it really in that destination that makes tourism the second most important source of national income, after the production of cloth? In other words, what makes more than 3 million traveler tour Cambodia every year? We will be shedding some light on the most important touristic attraction of the country.

As a matter of fact, tourists who travel to Cambodia have the option to enjoy a lot of stuff. The marvels of nature are greatly reflected in the Great Mekong River and the Tonl� Sap, one of the largest fresh water lakes in Asia. There are several remarkable ancient temples as well. On the other hand, Cambodia hosts many remarkable beaches with white soft sand and crystal clear water.

Angkor Wat Temples

Angkor Wat is a large complex of temples located to the South East of the capital. Established in the 12th century AD, the main temple of the complex was constructed for the cult of Hinduism. However, afterwards, it was transformed to be a Buddhism Temple.
This remarkable set of temples is actually one of the most notable highlights that almost all travelers who spend their holidays in Cambodia commonly visit. The temple is famous for its accurate amazing architectural features including the lotus flower shape that is drawn by the five towers constructed around the complex.

Phnom Penh

Phnom Penh is the capital of Cambodia and the most populated city of the whole country. Featured with its marvelous mix between the traditional and the French style of architecture, a visit to Phnom Penh is a must for any traveler who spends his vacation on Cambodia.

The Water Festival of Phnom Penh

One of the most important attractions that grab the attention of tourists to spend their vacations in Cambodia is the Water Festival that is held every year in November in the capital. This festival is actually organized to celebrate the reverse in the flow of the famous great River of Tonle Sap. The festival, which is held for three consecutive days, witnesses the organization of many activities including rowboats races, dances, water sports, and much more.

The National Museum of Cambodia

For history fans that enjoy their tours in Cambodia is the National Museum located in Phnom Penh. This is where the largest numbers of displays illustrating the Khmer art and heritage are exhibited. With more than 1400 displays, the museum tells the story of Cambodia from prehistoric periods till contemporary times.

The building of the museum is also quite impressive. Characterized by its distinctive Khmer style of architecture, inspired by the many temples constructed around the country, the museum building was erected in 1924 to be one of the landmarks commonly visited by tourists who travel to Cambodia.

The Prasat Preah Temple

The Prasat Preah Temple is perhaps the most remarkable Hindu temple usually included in many travel packages to Cambodia. Located on top of a mountain, with several marvelous straits and nature beauties, the construction of the temple is quite sophisticated. Being hewn out of rocks, the temple is quite impressive to the extent that the UNESCO enlisted it in its World Heritage List.

Right Travel is an organized travel agency which provides various packages for tours to Cambodia, vacations in Cambodia and travel to Cambodia. For more detail please visit here:

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Sunday, September 17, 2017

The Wonders of Vietnam
By Medhat Elsergany

Vietnam has become one of the favorite destinations for travelers from various regions around the world. Maybe it is the natural beauty, the wonderful weather, or the relatively cheap prices of the country that really attract many vacationers to spend their holiday in Vietnam. What is it really that grabs the attention of various travelers to explore a country like Vietnam. In this article, we would be answering this question.


Hanoi is not only the capital of Vietnam, but also among the most remarkable destinations that welcomes several tourists who spend their vacations in Vietnam. The city is featured for its wonderful natural scenery, the many stories that sell various gifts and souvenirs, and some notable historical monuments.

There is the Ho�n Kiếm Lake located at the heart of the city. It offers magnificent opportunities to enjoy the marvels of Hanoi. Dating back to the 15th century, the lake hosts the historical Temple of the Jade Mountain that was erected in the 18th century to honor Tran Hung Dao, a warrior that belongs to the 13th century ADD such marvelous monuments grab the attention of many travelers to spend their vacations in Vietnam.

Ha Long Bay

Exploring Ha Long Bay is among the most recommended activities for any tourists spending their vacations in Vietnam. Located around a 3-hours ride away from Hanoi, the capital of the country, going on cruise ship to explore thousands of green islands is quite impressive as it is considered one of the most picturesque places around the world.

The legend says that all these wonderful green islands and mountains were actually created by a dragon. For more adventurous travelers who enjoy their holidays in Vietnam, they should surely explore some of the caves scattered all over the Ha Long Bay.


Nicknamed as the lost paradise, Sapa is relatively isolated from the rest of the country. Located more than 700 kilometers away from Hanoi, the area is famous for its many green slopes where rice is implanted, the area is featured with the presence of many touristic resorts and hotels suitable for different requirements of various travelers who enjoy their holidays in Vietnam.

While in Sapa, never miss the chance to ride in the newly developed chairlifts in one of the most notable rides you would ever have. Another quite recommended place to explore in Sapa is the love waterfall that is a marvelous place never to be missed by any tourists who travel to Vietnam.

Ho Chi Minh City

Ho Chi Minh is actually the largest cities of Vietnam and historians claim that it was inhabited as early as the 6th or the 7th centuries BC as an ancient port. The city also served as the capital of the French colony of Vietnam. Although the city is located around 1700 kilometers to the South of Hanoi, if travelers who tour Vietnam would pay the city, a visit it would be quite rewarding for its nature and ancient monuments.

Right Travel is an organized travel agency which provides various packages for tours to Vietnam, vacations in Vietnam and travel to Vietnam.
For more detail please visit here:

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What to See in Your First Bangkok Tour - A Glance at Bangkok
By Tom Austin

Discover the best time, attractions, and cuisine in the city

Bangkok has a reputation for its numerous temples. Its rich history and religious culture catch the eyes of people around the world.

This article helps planning your first Bangkok trip.

When to Go
Bangkok situates in the southeast of Asia - tropical maritime monsoon climate zone, featuring moderate weather. It is hot and wet through the year, with the average temperature 82?/28?. Its weather can be generally divided into three types: hot season (March-June), rainy season (July-October) and cool season (November-February).

Tropical Weather and What to Pack
Cool Season (November- February): Those months are the coolest seasons in Bangkok on which the average temperature does not surpass 26 ?. Several long-sleeved T-shirts are enough.

Hot Season (March-June): Bangkok's hot season is hot and moist. T-shirts and shorts are enough. Take a hat and a pair of sunglasses to prevent strong sunlight, and sun cream is recommended to protect you from the strong sunlight.

Rainy Season (July-October): Rainy season in Bangkok is damp and sultry. You may be encountered with casual droops in a day so light rain coat and umbrella is necessary. It is recommended to prepare alternative shoes and clothing.

The Best Time to Visit: November-April
This period is the most comfortable time for your visiting since then the weather is cool and the southern island is open. Loi Krathong Festival (December 15th in Thai lunar calendar, approximately in November 15th) is also a charming day on which the Bangkok will become a wonderful place full of light on the Chao Phraya River.

What to See in Bangkok

Bangkok gains its reputation for its religious atmosphere and prolonged history. Along with the river, it spots a number of historical buildings. The city is a live shrine treasure where most of the tourist attractions are connected with temples. The most famous attractions in Bangkok are the Grand Palace, Wat Phra Kae and Wat Pho.

The Grand Palace
The Grand Palace is a complex of royal buildings at the heart of Bangkok. It has been the official residents of the Kings of Siam and long been the typical loyal resident of Thailand since then. Back to Chao Phraya River, the palace covers an area of over 260,000 square meters with wall surrounded. Within the wall is the representative Siam architecture and among which the most famous are four palaces with distinctive characters. Preserved, and majestic considerable, it expresses a glorious of ancient royal picture to tourists.

The Wat Phra Kaew
Located in the northeast part of the Grand Palace, the Wat Phra Kaew is one of the most remarkable example of Thai temples. Inside the Hindu shrine of the god, there is the dark-green Emerald Buddha which is a religio-political symbol and the protective image of Thailand. In the Thai history and legend, emerald Buddha brings prosperity and peace to where it resides. Every summer, winter and rainy seasons, the King performs a special ritual to bless the country-changing the cloak around the status.

Wandering around the palace, tourists have a good chance to appreciate the exquisite wall painting. All the pictures' themes are from traditional Indian literature Ramayana. Apart from that, the splendid appearance and glittery decoration of the buildings are also extremely impressive.

The Wat Pho
As the most ancient temple in Thailand, The Wat Pho neighbors to the Grand Palace, and at the same time, it also reserves the biggest reclining Buddha. With the whole length of 46 meters and the foot length of 5 meters, the reclining Buddha boast the largest reclining Buddha around the world, all covering with gold and its pedestal is decorated with 108 auspicious patterns. The temple gains such a high reputation, domestically and externally, not only for the fame of largest reclining Buddha but also for its majority of statuses and stupas. It is made up of 99 stupas of which 71 are surpass 7 meters and 394 Buddhist figures in about 80.000 square meters.

Distance from Bangkok city center: the three above are at the Grand Palace District, very close to the city center. It is a good idea to buy a map of Bangkok in a local bookstore as a guide if you want to travel the city with no guide.

Wat Arun
Wat Arun lays on the west bank of the Pian, in the close distance of the Grand Palace. The temple derives its name from the Hindu god Aruna, often personified as the radiations of the rising sun, so it is also called the Temple of Dawn. It has existed since at least 17th century and it is the biggest Mahayana stupa in Thailand. You can easily take a river boat from one side to the other for only 3 baht.

The Amphawa Floating Market
Almost every tourist has a visit to a floating market in mind on his first trip to Bangkok. Actually, there are more than 5 floating markets in Bangkok among which the Amphawa Floating Market is the most attractive. A branch of the Mae Klong River floats through the market and many little wooden house neatly lined up alone the canal, selling souvenirs and a lot of charming snacks and sweets. It opens at 15 p.m.-20 p.m. every Friday, Saturday and Sunday so you can arrive around 16 p.m. so you would not miss the amazing little temple across the river, and at the same time have an early seafood lunch on the river banks and get a little long tail boat cruise.

Erawan Shrine
The Erawan Shrine features four heads and four pairs of arms towards different sides. Housed in the city center of Bangkok, it is a well-known statue of Hindu god: creation Lord Brahma. Whenever you arrive, you will always meet a great crowd of believers there. More attractive thing is the performance by resident Thai dance troupes which are often operated in festivals by worshippers in return for their wishes coming true.


Cover shoulders, legs and stomach when visiting temples in Thailand especially in the Grand Palace, otherwise you may be rejected. It is easy to rent a sari near the Grand Palace.

Obey Customs:

1. When offering prayers to Buddha kneel down with feet pointing away from Buddha.

2. At any time, pointing Buddha with your foot is prohibited.

3. Remove shoes when entering any of temples.

Dining in Bangkok
Thai cuisine is one of the most popular cuisines around the world. Although it has been mutually influenced and combined the merits of over the course of many countries, it features the use of fresh herbs and spices and its sweet-and-sour flavor. The combination of varies spice gives tourists a fantastic and excited taste. And the same with other Asian cuisines, rice is the staple grain of Thai cuisine.

Tom Yum Kung:
Tom Yum is a typical Thai soup, usually cooked with shrimp. It is characterised by its distinct hot and sour flavours, with fragrant spices and herbs generously used in the broth.

Thai Green Curry Seafood:
Thai Green Curry Seafood is a based on coconut milk and fresh green chillies. The curry is not necessarily sweeter than other Thai curries but, although the spiciness varies, it tends to be more pungent than the milder.

Tom Kha Gai
Tom Kha Gai, typical Thai dish, mainly include coconut milk, dill weed, lemongrass, Thai chili peppers, chicken and fish sauce. The main material could be varied according to local flavor, such as seafood, mushrooms, pork and tofu.

Things to do in Bangkok
The profound history of Bangkok nurture the exotic and unique traditional culture here which is rarely found in other part of the world. By experiencing local traditional activities, tourists can have a further knowledge of this city. The UME Travel website offers good tips on your preference.

Thai Kick Boxing
Thai kick boxing is a traditional art of self-defense of the Thais. It originated in Thailand and has a history of over five hundred years ago. It can strengthen the body, mind and heart, as well as show patience and persistence. During this combat sport, competitors are permitted to use their fists, legs, knees and elbows to knock down their adversary.

Apart from brute strength, Boxing is also a test of technique and skill; hence it attracts the attention of many people, home and aboard. With its wide spread throughout the world, it is regarded that Thai boxing is good for women and kids as well since it toughens them up from daily practice and spiritual learning.

Thai Massage
Thai traditional massage can be traced back to hundreds years ago when Buddhist monasteries made it as a form of preventative health care for monks. Currently, a popular forms of massage combines acupressure, assisted yoga postures and ayurveda with oil and lotion.

The recipient wears loose and comfortable clothing and usually on a padded mat or firm mattress on the floor. During the whole practice, giver performs professional twist compound with pure oil. With body compressed, pulled, stretched and rocked, receiver will feel energetic and comfortable that had never been after 45-min service.

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